Naomi Wachira

Anywhere You Go

We breathe the same air, we bask in the same sun,
We sleep under the same moon
And the rain that falls on the ground, it’s the same, anywhere you go
And the color of fire is the same,

Anywhere you go

We thirst, we hunger, we long, we desire, we want to feel like we count
And the way it feels when you are loved, is the same anywhere you go
And the way a heart breaks is the same,

Anywhere you go

And even though we live in different parts of the world
We all began the same way
And even though we believe in different things,
We’re somehow the same cause we laugh and we cry
We dream and we hope, we fall, we rise again
We love and we hate, we fight and we make up
We’re somehow the same

Anywhere you go